Yet Another Stupid Dock Thing - The active app arrow


So, normally, I don't keep Internet Explorer in my dock. However, today, after choosing "quit" to get rid of IE, I decided I wanted to keep it in my dock. So, IE starts quiting, and the icon disappears, but I click on the space where the IE icon just was, and drag the space in between my iSync and Terminal icons, thinking I caught it in time, and IE would be added to my dock. Instead, it disappeared, but left behind it's active app arrow IN BETWEEN the two icons. Interestingly enough, this little arrow keeps it's position in the dock no matter how I try to reorder it. Guess I'll have to log out sometime to get rid of the little bugger.


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Heh heh, that's pretty funny looking. Just kill the Dock with Process Viewer and you'll probably be back to normal.
Yeah, I know I could have killed the dock, but instead, I opted for logging out. But guess what? When I logged back in, IE popped up right in between, where the arrow was left. Crazy, huh?
lol. Hey, whatever floats your boat, buddy. I mean, by putting the word "stupid" in the title of this thread, I thought that people would be like me, and find this bug undesirable. silly me.