You All are wrong!!!!! :)


yes, you all are wrong.

MP3 player? psh, Apple realizes that SonicBlue does a perfect job making good Mp3 players. Palm Pilot? maybe but not now.

Apple said "hint: it's not a mac" they didn't say "hint: it's not an iMac" ;)
That's my 2 cents, that Apple is gonna release a new iMac that is so breakthrough technology that it's not the old "macs" we know. we'll see soon enough
That would be a huge press blunder if they did indeed release a Mac, saying it wasn't going to be a Mac.

I imagine it will be something cool... but I hope that we are still amazed and not "downed" by the fact that rumors have it as something cool, and then when we see it we go... big deal!
Does anyone happen to know what time they're announcement for this thing is gonna be tomorrow? The guy at the apple store said that they would be playing it on the demonstration screen but he didn't know what time...
Originally posted by themacko
Does anyone happen to know what time they're announcement for this thing is gonna be tomorrow? The guy at the apple store said that they would be playing it on the demonstration screen but he didn't know what time...
I heard that the time on the press invite said 10:30 AM, I'm guessing thats California time.
Sorry about posting off of myself, but has anyone looked at

I laughed really hard, until I realized they were trying to be serious. To be honest, I just don't think it was imaginative enough. Honestly, why would Apple release a product that is basically already around in bad economic times? I mean, nothing is combined like that, but not much of the idea was new.
Sorry about posting off of myself, but has anyone looked at

Course not! Nobody reads that joke of a site anymore. Remember the article in forbes they had about them about 5 years ago? Now they've got their hands out begging for change over paypal - and it's NOT due to the .com downfall. 99% of their stories are shit.
Hey, I read that site, but mainly because it's amusing. I go there because they're just as correct as any other Mac rumors site, and I honestly don't feel like visiting a different one.
It is hard to say what it could be.

As Apple is building out it's store empire, I imagine they will be coming out with new and different toys. Toys that you might only be able to demo such stores. Granted, it won't be the case... but it could get people to go into the stores who might otherwise not even consider it. Gateway has had stores in this area for a long time, and never once have I thought... "Hmmm... maybe I should stop by and see it." I'm sure a Windows user would think the same think about an Apple store...

The only thing that would draw me into a Country store is something cool and unique... something that might be of value to me... not being a Windows user. That type of device would be good for Apple... in more ways than one.

The only way this device could be a "copy" of existing electronics or combination of, is if it is DIRT CHEAP... and makes you stupid not to have one. I have a RIO, but I *NEVER* use it. I bought it for listening to music while flying... and well, unless I am flying, I never use it. My wife will use it now and then while walking... but that rarely happens. :)

I hate to speculate on what I think it is... cause honestly I have no clue. Folks calling it a "Digital hub" device are like those who write horoscopes... as long as it's digital and hooks to something... wow... they were RIGHT... that is a no brainer.

I hope it's cool enough, and priced at the point I will want it... because if Apple can convience me to buy it.... they can convience anyone. :)

you're right, rios are kinda a waste. I got one for Christmas and got a scratch on it after dropping it on the ground (oops). Fortunately, Rio sent me two free ones (one after another as I claimed the buttons felt different than normal) which I gave to my siblings (yeah apple learn from them - trying to repair my computer for 6 months with costs out of the waazzoo where it would have been cheaper to give me a new pb [I had them replace my keyboard 4 times, hard drive 3 times, outside plastic 1, display 1, DVD drive 3 times, audio port 3 times, and 1 new AC adapter and logic board and inverter board = more than a new Tipb). But I still use my Rio @ home. Why? well it sure beats turning on my computer and I upgraded it with more memory and rechargeable battery - so it's pretty cool. Plus, sorry to say this but the iTunes equalizer sucks compared to the one built into the Rio 600.

About the product, If apple makes a new multimedia PDA, one with datebook, address book, color, and mp3 functionality, I will buy it right now (thank god for ebayers who buy my old junk for ridiculously high amounts). I mean even if it is based around Palm OS 4.0 vs. Mac OS X mobile, then I would be perfectly cool purchasing it. Mp3 player? nah, mp3's are illegal. I don't think apple would be that stupid and invest money into technology which is being sued left and right.

Any ways, another 4 hours from where I am (1.5 hours away from Apple Headquarters lol. And yes, their campus is very sick and tight.)
Is a Firewire DV camcorder, perhaps priced to beat other products, maybe even so cheap that you can get one without mortgaging your firstborn.


Apple has this 'digital hub' claim. Look - iTunes, iMovie... Problem is, nobody has a Firewire DV camcorder, so iMovie doesn't get a lot of use. A shame to let their prize software get neglected like that.

If they come out with a FW DV cam that is priced so people might actually buy one, that might just attract converts from PCdom - what do you edit your footage with? Nothing does it easier or cheaper than an iMac...
Originally posted by Jadey

Course not! Nobody reads that joke of a site anymore. Remember the article in forbes they had about them about 5 years ago? Now they've got their hands out begging for change over paypal - and it's NOT due to the .com downfall. 99% of their stories are shit.

Just out of curiosity where do you go to get your mac info? MOSR has been the most correct site that I've found... but that's not saying much. I've checked out millions of others but haven't found one that I liked
How about ? :p

On the Apple PDA deal,
I refuse to buy a PalmOS based PDA (Graffiti sucks! The Palm OS sucks (in comaprison with other PDA OSes)).
If apple made a PDA with the aforementioned by other posts qualityes AND a kickass OS that was some melding between the newton and OS X (with a newton emulator of course because I have A LOT of newton apps)
I would buy one.

But bryce365, you said about the iTunes equaliser!

Does it have a programmable equaliser or do you mean the fancy graphic one that bounces up and down just for show!

Don't tell me iTunes has an equaliser I've been missing all this time!:eek:

(am I this stupid!)
I read None of these are rumors sites, although some link to the occassional rumor. I'd rather read about what's actually happening in the computer kingdom than read another story about Disney buying Apple :P

Just a note about Rio's: I love my Rio and I'd use it all the time if they didn't keep replacing my original bad one I got with another bad one. Got it as a b-day pressy back in April and I've had about 1 month of use out of the ones I've been given by the company so far. I like the idea of a portable music device with no parts - especially to use while I'm playing sports. Too bad they just don't work! At least the ones I've had. I'm crossing my fingers for the current RMA. :rolleyes:
I read As the Apple Turns ( and I love it! It's always funny, imaginative, they are not so serious about everything. Also the VEVO polls are a riot.
But as for the digital device thing, I want to say to all the names people are thinking it is called (iPod, ietc...) didn't Apple say they wouldn't be using the i-prefix in anymore new things? i thought so, but then again that was before iDVD. Anyway, I'm sure it will be something for us all to drool over, since it's from Apple.
I know this is all going to be resolved in a few minutes, but just for the record, remember Steve Jobs saying "We've been doing a lot of work with these guys lately" with Palm rep (CEO?) on stage?

And what did we get for that? We haven't even seen a "Palm desktop" on OSX yet! My guess would strongly be QuickTime-and-iTunes-enabling (aaaahh!) an PalmOS-based device (eewwww!). Maybe with airport thrown in.

Palm had also been promising a multimedia enabled device in their "future plans" section on their web site for quite some time now.

Get ready folks .... for the disappointment of your life :) (Can't believe I just said that! I really hope it not one!)