Your bottom 10 movies

There's Something About Mary (Bodily fluids? Body parts caught in zippers? Scuze me? A big laughing crowd might have made SOME difference, but I've heard 3rd graders tell funnier jokes than this)

Dead Ringers (Identical twin psycho gynecologists. I kid you not.)

Ishtar (The first hour was unwatchable; there was just 1 joke repeated until I was ready to scream "Yes, I get it, their music sucks and they don't realize it. I GET IT ALREADY!!!")

The Man Who Fell To Earth (An alleged sci-fi flick, this yawner is about David Bowie as a Martian who becomes a drug addict and neglects his mission of bringing water back to the home planet?!?!?!)

Personally (and what is this thread about if not sharing opinions?) I don't think its entirely fair to condemn a movie based on a comic book (which, incidentally, I adore and collect in vast quantities) just because it failed to meet your personal expectations for a cinematic adaptation of the comic. The goals - not to mention audience - of movies differ greatly from comics, and most comics have SO MANY characters, and SO MUCH back story that it's just not possible to do a complete adaptation. I thought The Hulk was a good film - not great, but good. Bar none the most believable depiction of super strength ever shown on screen. It beat the pants off the 1978 Superman film.

I also question the validity of condemning a movie because it's 'dated'. By that standard, there were no great movies made before about 5-6 years ago! Nonsense.

I also resist condemning movies I haven't seen. After 'Mary' I avoid Farrelly Brothers films like the plague, but you won't hear me slam them.

I say judge movies by the standard they strive for; as (I think) Gene Siskel once said "You shouldn't compare Richard the 3rd (that's Shakespeare, folks) to Friday The 13th."
La Vita è bella (1997) (and many Benigni's movies)
...aka Life Is Beautiful (1998) (USA)
Independence Day (1996) (the aliens use Mac too ... I always said that Apple uses alien technolgy!!)
...aka ID4 (1996) (USA: promotional abbreviation)

BLAH!! stop this!!!
I found Mars Attacks disturbing.

Most of the best movies ever made were made 50-60 years ago, or around those decades, though older movies that try to have cool effects look really cheesy in today's ILM-driven industry. Case in point: Diamonds Are Forever. Cool movie, bad effects.

Of course, the problem now is that studios tend to go overboard on the effects and sacrifice the other things that make a movie good, like characters, plot, integrity, etc. Case in point: Dungeons & Dragons (the movie).
there are some woody allen movies i love and some i hate, as far as jodie foster goes the only movies she was in that i liked were Taxi Driver and Silence of the Lambs
What, you guys didn't like Contact?

The blind guy in that movie, Kent Clark, is based on a real person (can't remember his last name......) who's ham radio buddies with my dad. He gave a lecture at the JC here a couple years ago, and I got to meet him. He's a pretty cool guy. (His eyes are all white...)
Actually, I thought Contact was awesome. I just usually avoid talking about it because I invariably get chided.

Apparently for most people, the entire 2hr+ movie was ruined by having the alien resemble her father. It seems many people had their hearts set on another hollywood latex creation...
Originally posted by arden
What, you guys didn't like Contact?

I have seen Contact and found it not bad, a good movie but not to be listed into the "top ten" ...

A very good movie I have seen some weeks ago is "Dark City" (1998) I think that the "tagline" is: what a man is disposed to do to go to sleep with a woman ... even create a city to make she happy!
oopss ... I talked too much ... go to see it!

Well, I just saw Chicago last night, and it definitely belongs in the other movie thread...

In Contact, I don't see why the alien wouldn't resemble her father. What would you expect? They wanted a friendly "interface," of sorts, for Elly to feel comfortable conversing with this higher species. What would you think if you saw a 25-foot-tall purple monster with tentacles and large vein-ridden eyes coming at you?
i dont think people are used to that concept in a movie, a majority of films will have the aliens attempting to kill or enslave humans, and for some reason people want to see this
That's because it appeals to the primal instincts, while Contact is an intellectual movie.
deadly prey, it's so bad that it might be a figment of my imagination. It's also so bad it's the funniest film in history.