Your geek treasures...


Chmod 760
Staff member
Geek treasures...

What geeky items do you have that you are proud of? Show!

anything, new computers, old computers, werid gadgets ... :D


Of my treasure side, I should probably start with a Newton 2100. Not mine actually, but .. I have some kind of user priviledges (trying to). :p

I still have my first computer (a Spectravideo something) at my parents place, barely able to run Arkanoid and Pacman .. (so no need for macmame).

Or .. I made an apple pro mouse soap holder. As a gadget. It works .. here .. and now trying to figure out how to make a case for a portable drive :rolleyes:
id have to say the only gadget i truly treasure is my thinkpad, it is my connection to the world. i have a treo, but its old, beat up, and hardly working.
I would have to say that it's my Quadra 650. As much as I love my other machines that are WAY faster, I can't get over how much that machine can do at 33 MHz! Currently, it's running System 7.6.1 and hosting our family website using MacHTTP.
a Newt 2000 and eMate, just saw that they've done wifi drivers for the linksys cards I've got with 128bit WEP which is cool. Got a NextStation, with a full (intel, next and a few others) copy of the OS, might be interesting to see if I could install it on an x86 but I dont have one.
Hewlett Packard 48SX(1), 48S(5), and 48GX(1) calculators (total = 7). I'm such a nut for these things that I have the X48 HP48GX emulator on my Mac, loaded with all the software that I use most, and I use it all the time because I'm so accustomed to Reverse Polish Notation that I can no longer use a 'normal' calculator efficiently. When HP left the handheld market several years ago, killing their calculator division, I was crushed, literally, I was emotionally devastated that HP would kill such a versatile product. One of the reasons HP killed the division was that it wasn't making enough money, they built their calculators too well, they're almost indestructible; the keys on the older calculators didn't have paint on them, it was colored plastic embedded in the keys. But to my delight, HP started making calculators again last fall and no longer with the original Saturn processor, but with an ARM processor that emulates a Saturn processor.
I've got an iOpener - kind of like an ultra low powered, ultra cheap PC clone of the iMac G5, (except it's about 4 years older than an iMac G5).

I'm embarassed to say I don't have it running anything useful - I tried to make the special modified HD cable you need to get a laptop drive in it, but I messed it up and haven't tried again. (It is stupidly inconvenient to get a laptop hard drive cable, without buying an entire laptop. Nobody sells them.)