Your iPod Name

My iMac is called iMac, my TiBook is named dillacom (old nickname) and my iPod is Dillapod. I use my iPod all of the time in my car, using a tape deck adapter, my car is a POS because I spend all of my money on my Macs
Mine is called Fender, and it's all scratched up in the shiny metal part...need...groove...jacket...
My desktop computer is Homer after Homer Simpson (I once had Homer, Marge, and Maggie for my three HD partitions until I went back to just one partition)

My iBook is named aXel because I lived in Sweden for a year and I love that name, but also because when I was bored one night while studying in Beijing I had a MacWorld my mom had sent and I cut a,l, and e from Apple and used the OS X X to make a name tag for him.

Finally, the iPod is called Lucky because I won it at a tech convention (granted I was working while everyone else was partying on their spring breaks, I got the better deal). I'm such a loser.
I feel so boring!

G4 = Bill's G4

iBook = Bill's iBook

iPod = Bill's iPod

or maybe i'm just selfish ... mine, mine, mine!
My main computer, which is a PC, *shudders* is named Venkman.

my iBook is Venkman Jr. or iVenkman, iVenkbook

when I get my iPod it will be Venkman 1/8, MiniVenkman, or VenkPod.

I dunno which yet. I developed my naming system off of the characters from I named my Dad's computer Stanz and I named my friend's computer Spengler.
My PowerBook Pismo is "bigMac"

and my two other partitions are "littlemac" and "tinyMac"

i have no iPod so i dont have a name for one.