I dont think the human eye really could notice any difference for things higher than 60 hz.
Oh yes, it can.
Lots of people can notice the difference between 60Hz and 75Hz. I certainly can. If I try to run with 60Hz for more than 5 or 10 minutes, I start to get migraine-like symptoms - headache, nausea, etc.. The difference is certainly visible. If you're the kind that thinks "we're" crazy 'cos we
can see it, count yourself lucky. It's a curse, not a blessing.
The difference between 75Hz and 85Hz is less noticeable... To me, anyway. I do sortof
feel a difference, but it doesn't really bother me. I can understand why it bothers some people, though.
I've decided, though, that my PowerBook is going to be my "main" machine for the foreseeable future, and I don't have to think about refresh rates at all...
Oh, yeah.. 1280x854 (PB/G4/800/512/40)..