I promised I would not post these on MY web site, but I never promised I would not post them on
Blasphemer! Sacrilege! All must thoroughly enjoy the Star Wars series or suffer the consequences!Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
but i still probably won't... not a big fan...
whoops... typo... i'll fix 'er in a jiffyOriginally posted by nkuvu
I thought the general release date was the 16th...?
"Joda"? Ha ha!Originally posted by Tigger
I voted Blah just because.
I don't like the look of Joda as a computer rendered thingy.
The puppets in the old episodes were MUCH better. Same for Jabba.
Hm, I don't like the look of his hair, it may be perfect in animation respect, but it gives him some really strange look. Why can't he just look more like in Episode six?Originally posted by TommyWillB
"Joda"? Ha ha!
Actually I was VERY worried that they'd mess Yoda up by making him digital but I though they did an excellent job.
Just look at his hair. Very cool.
I also like how they tried to NOT make him too perfect. I understand they did motion capture on the puppet to introduce some of the old quirks.