Zoom in 10.2


Super Cute Member
One of the neat features of 10.2 is that I am able to zoom into things to take a closer look. I normally run my monitor at 1920x1440 so I have a lot of space for all them darn windows in such application as Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop, and so on.

I normally use the zoom feature when I want to make pictures larger without having to stretch the pictures. The Quartz rendering doesn't pixelate the images like stretching them do. Also for browsing the web, I can zoom right in without having to tell OmniWeb or anyother web browser I am using at the moment to make the text bigger. Usually making the text bigger screw up the layout of the web page.

To my real question, I can set the zoom in at a min and it will zoom me in to that, but if I want to zoom in more I can. Here's the thing, when I want to zoom out it zooms me out all the way! What gives? It's suppose to zoom me out by 1x at a time. This worked under 6C106, but no longer under 6C115.

Has anybody been using this and noticed that indeed 6C115 will zoom out all the way, and never lets you zoom out 1x at a time?

Does anyone know if there is a fix for this or will Apple have to fix this in their next update (if at all)?
If you want it to Zoom out a step at a time set the Max to whatever you want to zoom to and set the min to lowest setting. When you zoom in it will zoom to the point set and will zoom out one step at a time. At least that's how it works on my machine here at work.
I just figured how this darn thing works. If I set the min zoom to the lowest (1X) it zooms out all the way.

Now that I set my max and min at 2x and it zooms out a step at a time. This doesn't make sense. I would think that if I set the min to 2x and the max to 2x that means if I zoom out of 2x it should take me back to my normal screen size, but it doesn't. Instead it zooms out to what looks like 1x every time I hit the key combo.