Zoom Modems & MOSX


I just bought a Zoom 56Kbps USB Voice/Fax Modem for my step-mother's B&W G3 running Jaguar. This is a vanila install of Jaguar.

If I attempt to boot with the Zoom Modem plugged into the USB port on the back of the G3 the machine refuses to boot (doesn't even start the process).

If I unplug the Zoom Modem, the machine will begin to boot as if it were hanging on the modem. If I immediately plug the Zoom Modem back in after the machine begins to boot, I can see the Zoom Modem in the Apple System Profiler but the network preference panel doesn't see the USB Modem.

If I unplug the Zoom Modem and let the machine boot completely and then plug the modem back in to the USB port everything works beautifully....

Anyone have a similar experience, much more a solution?

If this is a redundant post, much apologies, I searched this and some other threads before posting.
I got this back from Zoom, apparently it is a bad USB controller in B&Ws:

Apple Tech documents recommend leaving the modem powered down (turned OFF) when starting up your computer to fix the
"freezing" problem. They fixed the problem with their USB controller in newer computers but have no fix for the G3's.