twister Howdy Aug 25, 2002 #1 It's one of those little things that i don't know when i'd use it but the Zoom function is fun! Twister
It's one of those little things that i don't know when i'd use it but the Zoom function is fun! Twister
W wdw_ Rockee Aug 26, 2002 #9 There's a feature in Jaguar where you can zoom in on the screen. It's meant for the visually handycapped, but I use it to zoom in on movies played in the web browser. Check out this video:
There's a feature in Jaguar where you can zoom in on the screen. It's meant for the visually handycapped, but I use it to zoom in on movies played in the web browser. Check out this video:
twister Howdy Aug 26, 2002 #10 Originally posted by xaqintosh what zoom function? Click to expand... You can turn it on in the System Prefs > Universal Access and play with it. Twister
Originally posted by xaqintosh what zoom function? Click to expand... You can turn it on in the System Prefs > Universal Access and play with it. Twister