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Problem with my G4 tower M5183.
It won't boot the monitor unless I open the side and push the reset button.
I tried changing the battery; another monitor;another video card; erased the HD and installed OS X10.4 again. Same results with all these options. ?????
Can anyone help on this issue, please.
Hey there!!! I was wondering if you have any input into being able to hook up a Shuffle to any type of speaker system? I am thinking of using the headphone jack and a set of powered computer speakers. Think it might work?
I'm not sure what changed on my computer to cause this. I usually burn disks through the mac burner. I also recently installed Toast 9.0.2. I have an internal Pioneer DVD RW DVR 106D for my mac 10.4.11. Here's the problem: I can burn DVD's but can't mount them. I can burn CD's and they will mount. Any suggestions?
I followed your instruction (manual - finder - Go To etc.) and it worked. Now, how do I keep the Character Map on my dock. Because as soon as I close out of the "Terminal - CharPaletteServe" the Character map disappears.
Can you also help with this please?
Thank you!
chat This Computer Does Not Support Video Conferencing. What does this mean as isight works perfectly with skype but not ichat whys that can anyone help please
Hi, I was wondering how Evolis Pebble printer was working out? We are thinking of purchasing it since it is the only mac compatible ID printer, but are a little nervous since most of the items are non-refundable. Can you let me know if you are happy with it.
Replying to MisterMe: Thanks very much for your response to my question re Font Manager compatibilities. Still researching forgotten-about font folders (some 10+ years old) .... which probably need to be retained (Somewhere) for Archives created in Quark 4.1 on OS 8.6. Just suspected that having so many fonts might be causing some of our freezing-up problems on our newer computers, which have OSX 3.9, Tiger & Leopard.
hello! How can I have my stacks "back". When I both my mac the Leopard had the item dock Stacks, but a few days ago, I loose that feature, and now the documents apear,like in the old days.. in the base of the dock.. Can you help me? How can I recover that funcionality? I looked all over the "preferences" and I has been imposible to find it.. Thank you very much again! ;)
I mean gotten as far in the Training. I tried to pick up the lamp, given it's heavy, to use as a weapon, but no luck. There are still no objects other than the nanokey in my belt. JG
Hi Diablo -- a switch on your numbers, I was born in '32 and am 76 yrs old.

Thanks for reminding me of the game manual. To make up for not having a mouse or backspace, I have selected buttons for these where needed.

I've gotten as far as the three boxes, two of which could be opened with an object for smashing, cutting or whatever. But the only object I have is the nanokey I picked up--all of the other boxes are empty, so there's nothing I can grab to use. I haven't found out how to equip myself, get stuff into my inventory. After writing this to you, I'll go back to the Inventory again to see if objects are shown somewhere to be dragged into the slots--but have not seen this the first several times looking at it.


Hello! I'm a new user of mac..and I don't have any help besides you, so thank you for your earlier help. Now.. I can't use my functionkeys, for exemplo, I've organize spaces, but if i'm working on pages, and I want to go to spaces, and click F8 or F9 or F10.. nothing happens.. why is that? What am I doing wrong? Thank you again!
I have a 1.07ghz ibook with EXACT same symptoms; I tried multiple drives, multiple cables - no luck; works GREAT from ext firewire drive (typing from it now!) Pure dumb luck I found this thread, as I have searched specifically for it LOTS of times before. Please let me in on your solution so I can see if it applies in my case. THANKS -raynman email to computassist at geemail dot com
I have iDVD 3.0.3, iMovie 3.0.0 (OS X 10.3.9) and when burning dvd, audio cuts off after 8-9 is ok all the way. any suggestions...?
i have the same probleme

Error processing calendar data (210)

do you have some information ? thanks

hi im a new bee. I got a problem!! i hav vaio (xp) connected wirelessly and imac connected through ethernet to the same router. can i connect both in order to access one from the other?