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Thanks Giaguara. I'll spend some time on the weekend working on it. I appreciate this link very much.
Tanto lavoro, tanto stress, ma anche soddisfazioni. Vacanze rimandate a settembre. Certo che sono anche su FB e LI!
Non male, tu? (Non e' che saresti pure in FB o LI..?) Sempre busy ma almeno avro' una vacanza presto...
Hey - just now noticed your message.
The link you sent is not working.
If you can email it to me, that would be great!
hey... i was facing the exact same prob.. my mac wouldnt delete a file that i put in trash from my external hdd. everytime i'd connect, the file would show up in trash and refuse to be deleted permanently.

i tried every step in the book. every software.. shredder n everything. dint work. i guess some files are stubborn.

however... try this. i pulled the file from the trash keeping the cmd button pressed. I moved it back to the external hdd where it belonged. the file went back. dint leave a copy in the trash.

next, i connected the external hdd to a windows pc.. shift+delete and the file was gone. hasn't troubled me since.

hope it works for u if something hasnt already..


I am afraid I can't be too useful for your particular problem, but I would suggest looking into AppleScript, if you haven't already, since there is likely some way to "tell finder to tell me which wallpaper is currently displayed".

I downloaded flip4mac and I still got the mime plug in error when trying to view video on

what now?