Recent content by dugwumps

  1. D

    linux server for home network to integrate with OS X, Win2k?

    Yes, its feasible. To keep myself amused, I installed Yellowdog Linux on my Performa 6400 which was gathering dust in the cupboard. I use it for file sharing etc and I set up WebDAV mainly to publish my iCal calender. (Once read a tip/hack explaining how to 'fool' OSX and use WebDAV to run...
  2. D

    How do I use NFS (mount a linux folder on my Panther iMac)?

    To be honest, I'd never bothered to try and mount an NFS sharepoint via the terminal before now, but I've done everything the way you described and managed to get read/write access no problem. This was, however, a directory I'd previously mounted via 'Connect to Server' in the Finder - which...
  3. D

    How do I use NFS (mount a linux folder on my Panther iMac)?

    If you haven't done so already, you must allow access through the firewall on your linux machine on some specific ports for NFS exports to work. Right now I can't remember exactly which but I can certainly find out when I get home.
  4. D

    Syncing Tungsten T3 with iSync

    Had a similar problem with my Tungsten E. If you can see a Palm icon in the iSync display it should be working but, Apple's iSync Palm conduit can upset permissions on a particular folder (I forget which) and this prevents the Sync from completing. You can get a script from Palm's website which...