Recent content by WinAddict

  1. W

    Using Win2K up to SP4? I had problems with a sluggish IE. And some firewall product would often crash the OS. Perhaps now with SP5 and IE6 SP2, Win2K is finally a rock stable OS. I don't know since I'm not using it. Corporations are by nature conservative and I can see why they put off the...
  2. W

    The splintering of Linux with all the distros is testament to the diversity of its user base yet a hassle with a cost; i like to install programs on Linux through RPMs, and if you're trying to install a relatively unpopular program, chances are if you're using one of the less popular distros, a...
  3. W

    Uh huh. So 10.2.1 and 10.1.X and 10.1.X have different kernels, yet XP and 2K have the same kernels. Ok.
  4. W

    And how does or 10.0.x or 10.1.x compare to 10.2.2? Are you still running 10.0.x or 10.1.x or did you upgrade yesterday to 10.2.2? As quick as Mac Users are upgrade to the lastest OSX, how come you are all so eager to pick your version of Windows to compare against? 10.2.2 may have the...
  5. W

    jcart12, i'm not particularly interested in defending MS or slamming AAPL software. i will say that since most mac users here trumpet the versatility and stability of OSX, presumably v10.2.2, I will do the same for XP w/ SP1. IMHO, XP+SP1 is much more stable than Win2K, and annoying problems...
  6. W

    Rhino, What's the story behind the "permission?" I haven't heard that part of the lore. How about you tell me how to upgrade KDE from 2 to 3 on Linux... There seems to be hell of a lot of dependencies when I try to upgrade any KDE related file. It becomes a whack-a-mole problem that...
  7. W

    MDLarson, good to see you again. i was too busy to take good care of the previous site. I hope the forums model proves more welcoming. Rhino, don't make me bring up the Xerox Parc. ;-) If you do install XP, try to do a clean install if at all possible. If you have driver problems or...
  8. W

    i'm not going to argue with you about win2k. plenty of people will go back even further and insist on using NT for stability. their choice. however, plenty of people use and trust XP, millions in fact, and it's not fair for you to compare win2k to macosx because you chose to limit yourself...
  9. W

    dude, you wanna compare MacOSX to Windows 2000?! that's like comparing compare Windows XP to MacOS 7. why don't you upgrade your dad's computer to XP with Service Pack 1 and come back and report the results. or put linux on it or something, but don't gripe about an operating system that's...
  10. W

    No, I'm the Emperor looking for Darth. The whole of CompUSA is the dark side!
  11. W

    wdw_ Have you ever been approached by a born again Christian who tried to convert you? Since this is a bastion of Mac users, it stands to reason that there might be some born again Windows users here trying to convert you. Those are the ones I'm trying to reach.
  12. W

    wdw_ Did people laugh when you first came out of your mother's womb? The site was started a few hours ago. How many members do you expect when a board first gets launched? Last time I checked, phpBB doesn't provide members in the installation process.
  13. W

    wdw_ Waving a steak in a den of lions is more likely to draw a meaningful result than waving a steak in a meeting of WeightWatchers or at a vegetarian potluck. I think it's more like offering white wine at a tasting of red wines.
  14. W

    If you switched from the Mac to the PC, please email or share your story in our forums. When did you switch? What MacOS and hardware were you using before, and what are you using now? What made you change, and how do you like the new experience?