
Originally posted by simX

1102 is not a one digit number! Try seeing a four digit number everywhere. :D
I think being psychokinetic would be fun... would that mean your brain can't stop? Like you never stop thinking? Even when you're asleep? :) Maybe it means you can't control your thoughts, because they're kinetic...?

Ahh, I'd better go back to sleep.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
I think being psychokinetic would be fun... would that mean your brain can't stop? Like you never stop thinking? Even when you're asleep? :) Maybe it means you can't control your thoughts, because they're kinetic...?

Ahh, I'd better go back to sleep.

Actually, every person is responsible for his or her own thoughts. YOU control them, YOU interpret the events YOU see in the world around YOU. YOU make decisions, either consciously or subconsciously.

As for the person who made the comment about deja vu, that's also a "brain thing", and if I remember correctly from the sources I read about 10 years ago, which are out dated, it (deja vu) is related to seizure-type activity (spike and wave). I know everyone doesn't experience it. I know it is associated with a certain area of the brain (hyppocampus maybe?) that "plays" around with your memory, or sense of memory (i.e. time frame of when the event supposedly occured). In studies done back in the early days of neurology, this "feeling" could be stimulated with electrodes in people undergoing brain surgury (you are awake for almost all brain surguries).

Spike and wave activity in the brain is the hallmark of seizure activity, or epilepiform discharge. When I was just exiting the field, it was recently reported in the literature that spike and wave activity is normal if it is under a certain threshold (µV/mm) and is only seen "once in a while", as in maybe once during a testing period of 30 minutes to 1 hour. Spike and wave activity is essentially a localized group of neurons firing simultaneously. For a person to have a seizure, both hemispheres must be synchonized in the epileptiform discharge. So a person could have one hemisphere spiking and waving nearly all the time and the other one not, and the person might not even feel anything strange. There's more, but I'll stop now as this response is overkill and getting off-topic.

You see? Ignorance is BLISS. This is what happens when you get a science NUT in an internet forum. You learn all kinds of things that are interesting but almost completely useless.
never had a seizure, but I have deja-vu ALL THE FRICKIN' TIME. It's wierd, too, because it's usually with people I've never met that I "know" I've seen before, and "know" what the conversation will be like because it's "already happened"... very odd, the brain is. (Now I sound like Yoda--ahh, six hours of Star Wars can do that to ya :))
From what I've read, deja vu is most common in young people (15-25) so, if you don't have temporal-lobe epilepsy, you'll likely experience Deja Vu less as you get older.

It's a mismatching of a memory in your brain to long term memory, instead of your short term memory. Your short term memory then immediately remembers what you've just stored, and the time of the event is misplaced in your brain.

Since occurrences of deja vu is higher in young people than the rest of the population, I'd guess it may be due to brain development.

Or.. it could be a glitch in the matrix :p
actually, my brain waves operate on a higher frequency than you puny mortals, so these mental disfunctionalities will never affect me
Just passed the shizophrenic number in posts... 1102.

You see it get bigger? That's an optical illusion. :p
just wondering

do you have your notifications set to email you when someone posts? I find it easier
Originally posted by xoot
Just passed the shizophrenic number in posts... 1102.

You see it get bigger? That's an optical illusion. :p

xoot, you have some SERIOUS issues dude. Like, WHOA, 1102 It's an optical DILUSION. No, it's really YOUR MIND playing tricks on you. Did you know that I KNOW what you're thinking? How? Your mind broadcasts digitally at 800MHz using the CDMA cell phone protocol. I listen to your thoughts whenever I feel like it. How? I just call 1-900-666-1102 and I listen for hours. I hear a few thoughts every now and then, but there's a considerable amount of noise. In fact, if you've ever heard any voices in your head speaking to you, telling you to do things, it's me and my friends playing HEAD GAMES with you. When I get enough money, I'm going to buy a video phone so I CAN SEE WHAT YOU SEE. Then I'm going to get a video camera and broadcast images back to you. That ought to enhance the halucinatory experience a little. YEAH BABY.

MWAA HA HA HA HA HA.......Ahhhh...ha ha ha ha ha.
Originally posted by xaqintosh
actually, my brain waves operate on a higher frequency than you puny mortals, so these mental disfunctionalities will never affect me

Actually, this is credible to a degree. People with higher intelligence have higher frequency alpha waves (low amplitude 8-14Hz).
Originally posted by chemistry_geek Actually, this is credible to a degree. People with higher intelligence have higher frequency alpha waves (low amplitude 8-14Hz).

Yeah, but he called us "dilluted". I wonder what he thinks we're diluted with. Perhaps he means deluded. :p
OK, time to share my number....

747. Its everywhere....

Is chemistry geek going insane? You decide.