Agfa Snapscan 1212u not showing up



My Snapscan is not showing up on my desktop, so I am not able to use it. It used to start up automatically with my computer. It is on a USB hub (Entrega Machub4U) with my printer and the scanner light is orange on the hub, while the printer light is red. I got a message the other day saying something about the scanner taking up too much space/power (cant remember which). Any ideas?

Thanks, Denise
Denise, it sounds as if you are using an unpowered USB hub.

Spend the extra money and get a powered hub, one
that plugs into a wall socket.

If that doesn't do the trick, use a built-in USB port.

I've no idea what Mac you have, but if it is expandable,
install a USB card inside. They're great. And cheap.