Am I a Traitor? I own an XBox now...

Originally posted by spookyfusion
...And I'm not a really hardcore Microsoft flamer. I just must give off some kind of radiation that makes all things Microsoft die...

wow! the world needs more people like you!!
Dunno, until all the other game companies can get their act together and put a physics model together that will even come close to the GT series, I'll stick with my PS2...

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to attend an automotive event where they had 3 PS2s strung up through Firewire to give a 3-way display for GT3 A-Spec with a full-motion simulator that turned, twisted, and bucked in response to the rally road conditions.

Despite the added realism, I still clocked in a respectable 1:27 on the Swiss Alps route in the *new* Subaru WRX STi... ;)

Originally posted by cellfish
Let's be honest. The XBOX is the best gaming system out there.
Originally posted by LordOphidian
Metroid Prime.

Nintendo can still produce the quality, although the quantity is lacking anymore.

Blech :confused:

After Halo, Metroid Prime is a joke. I played it and said to my friend, "Jeff, do you have any games with long, boring puzzles in unrealistic levels? You do??? Does it involve JUMPING PUZZLES?!? I LOVE JUMPING PUZZLES! It does? Oh...and what about "search for the hidden key" puzzles? IT DOES??? What game is that??? "

I was, of course, dramatically mocking Metroid. Blah.

I'm getting an Xbox in the next month. Halo.
I recently got an Xbox. I think of it is as like a Dreamcast Jr., which is still my favorite system to date. Jet Set Radio Future is fantastic, it's not quite as good as the original, but I still love it and it's beautiful. I think it's the best thought out console though. I have a PS2, it's good but not great. Few titles are particularly memorable, and it's graphics are still about Dreamcast equivalent. It was a worthy purchase though.
Everyone buy Brute Force. It isn't the next Halo like MS billed it as, but it is just as good as Halo. I believe the graphics are just as good and greater than Halo's but it isn't a shooter like Halo is. The squad based play is so awesome. It is unlike anything I've ever played and really well done. I haven't even touched the mulit-player yet too. I really recommend you at least rent this game if not buy it...

I don't think your a traitor.

In my opinion the gamecube and ps2 have the best controllers.
Although Nintendo makes it easier by having yellow camera buttons.

The playstation controller is easier to get the first time around. Depending on the game the camera can be shaky. Resident Evil made it more difficult to use also.

the x-box controller is poor but it works better than dreamcast one. Especially for games like Halo and JSRF.

My choice for the best console is the Playstation 2. Wrestling, Action, Puzzle, Survival Horror, Classic, RPG, FPS, and Strategy are good examples of genre's that have stood the test of time.

This is something the computer games lack I think. Not enough unique genre's ya know?

Well, enjoy your x-box and don't let people tell you what is the best. Make the choice for yourself.

I think the reason there aren't a lot of X-Box games because Microsoft didn't do what it proposed to create.

A mode that allows you to play all your pc games on your x-box.

That made many pc gamers bitter about the console gaming experience.
I have a Gamecube myself. Neat though when a girl buys you a console! I had to get mine myself and for $200 at launch. I really like the thing. It's controller fits my hands and I can't get enough of my new game Ikaruga. But my all time favorite GCN game is Metroid Prime. The graphics, the history and music plus the gameplay made my purchase worth it. But from Xbox to GCN to PS2. Each have their strong sides.

But I do know a nice little fact. The Xbox is 20% more powerful then the GCN. Proublem is though Nintendo's in house games look more like Dreamcast titles in terms of high res and character models. There are though those games that look super good from second parties and exclusives. The ones people just look into are Metroid Prime, Metal Gear Solid: Twine Snakes and Star Wars: Rebel Strike. Those are the top finest example of GCN's power.
i don't think you guys realize i was just kidding about the whole traitor bit... ;)

I see your whole point ape, but I like my opinion better. 7 of the guys I'm close to also have the Box so it means we can have great syslink play with halo, brute force, ghost recon...and many others. i use nothing but the controller s and it comfortable and nicely laid out, my hands always cramped up when playing on the ps2 or gcn. it was a gift too so i have really no ground to complain. i'm happy with it. :)

thanks for the replies...
One thing I dislike about consoles is playing multiple people on the same machine: I hate split screen. It's very nice on a computer when you each have your own screen and you can see the action full size.

Another thing I dislike: controlling a character in a FPS. In Halo, I have trouble getting used to moving around and looking around, and I hated James Bond for Gamecube because it was the same thing as Halo, except the controls were not assignable. They were total crap. I much prefer using a mouse and keyboard.
I have an original PS2 model and it has been slowly going on the fritz. It whirrrs loudly when spinning CDs, and now it doesn't read games on the first try. It keeps giving me a Disc Read error.

I have been pondering on taking the PS2, remote, network adapter, and games to EBX and trade it in for an XBOX package.

Question on the XBOX Live: I know with the PS2 games the publisher hosts the games on a server and most titles are time restricted. For example, my Madden 2003 will stop on Aug 31 of this year. This does not hold true on XBOX, right? Could I play HALO online 4 years down the road?
supposedly i believe, i guess the best people to ask would be an Xbox guy though. I don't currently have LIVE (and I'm still iffy on whether i will ever get it) but I o believe that microsoft is the keeper of the servers. LIVE 2.0 is also coming out 'sometime this year' which should drastically improve it's performance. There have been many complaints about lag and the like. As for playing Halo 4 years down the road...i'm not sure I'm sure as long as people are still playing it they will have servers for it. but more than likely you should just get Halo2. :D
The thing about Halo is that it's not online with Microsoft's serves at all, or to how I understand it. It's online with a company called Gamespy and it uses their servers This is the same company Nintendo is working with to make free online gaming for their players.

Halo was never made with online features but because it uses LAN, some new tools were developed for it from Gamespy and it can be played online through Xbox Live. This is also what Nintendo/Gamespy are teaming up to do with the GCN. I imaging as long as the hits are good for Halo, it will be up for some years but I currently think when Halo 2 comes with full online support, the hits for the first game will fall almost completely. So a chance of the plug being pulled is very real. I say it will happen almost, but it's really up to Gamespy.