Anti hack for os x 10.2!


"Jaguar" is going to be a bit different than 10.1.
You can get hacked a bit more easily. That is why i've made an anti hacking program called HackMeNot. It's an early version, 0.4.1, but it still works. Eventually it will become a program. But for now it's a bunch of system files.
To download it, just click on the link i have put here!
It's 2.1 megabytes.
Wow, I've been waiting for an app just like HackMeNot! It's about time an anti-hacker made some great hack-proof software.
I have a better application. It's called "F*ckUpMySystemDon't". When it is installed, your root password is sent to me via an email, and remote login is automatically turned on. Right now it's just a bunch of extensions, but eventually I will someday make it a System Preferences pane, hack into Apple's servers and publish it via the Software Update system and hide it as a system update.
It's an early version, 0.0.7a1, but it works just perfectly! You can download it from the link I've put in the post below this one :rolleyes: :p
yeah, sorry about that. Hey that password sending program sounds kool! send me a link. hahhhaahhahahaa
ok, sorry, here is the link.
OK, but the thing is this may not work as well for 10.0
It's also made more for os x 10.2, the new one. Remember, it is in it's early stages.
If this program does not work on your computer, post the bug here.
Oh yes, i forget who said it, but this won't send your password. I don't know how to make it so it sends it to me. Where will it get sent to? My email? i can't recieve files on my email! On my computer? HOW!?
Anyways, installation instructions in the folder.
Don't go into user.dll or into the main interface folder both located inside the interface folder. HERE IS THE LINK:

edit note - link removed - read rest of thread to understand why :mad:
dll? dude, it seriously sounds like you are posting a trojan.

Also what the hell could this do to make your computer less "hackable"? Its not like this patches the unfound holes in software or anything. At most you could probably mess with some permissions to make it harder to gain root, but that has been done and can possibly change between the dev builds and release. I wouldn't download this software unless i was on a machine that was only a tester and blocked off from the net. Pretty shady.
ksv, i couldn't have said it better myself...

dudeguy, please, this makes no sense whatsoever. 10.2 can be "hacked more easily"?? you probably don't know the first thing about what the word hacker really means.

as for others reading this thread, please do not download that file(s). security vulnerabilities can only exist through open services (open ports like ssh (22), apache (80) etc...) and os x does not have ANY open as default...
I wouldn't download it either ... I know suspect software when I see it. Without some legitimate explanation of what the software does, where the hell it comes from and how it functions I wouldn't touch it with a stray proton.
Plus, with a dll file in there, as well as packaging the whole thing as a zip, it doesn't appear that the programmer has the slightest idea what they're talking about.
can admin close this thread and post a warning, this dude is suspect! (Just as well he didn't put the link in the first post, might have got people to actually download it!):(
I agree with you on all acounts but one, symmy, packaging it as a .zip is logical as he can then post it as an attatchment. I won't touch this till I trust it thou
I d'l-ed it at work (WinNT), and the file's weird. The stuff you're supposed to put in the system folder is a bunch of *.plist files that are really some kind of RTF file that look like this:
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 <<1223ccirkmvvvv>>>\
<end code>}
Openining it in WordPad (windows) gives nothing very interesting.

Originally posted by voice-
I agree with you on all acounts but one, symmy, packaging it as a .zip is logical as he can then post it as an attatchment. I won't touch this till I trust it thou

Packaging as a Zip isn't really logical when, by the file name, its also packaged as a gzip'ed tar file. You can post a tgz just as well as a zip on these boards, and mac browsers know how to deal with them on OS X.
What a load of crap. :rolleyes:

10.2 is no more "hackable" than 10.1 or 10.0 or most other nixen, for that matter.

I downloaded this thing and checked it out. Guess what it is... a bunch of empty nested folders and some text files that just say:
<end code>
What the hell?

You didnt go far enough starfleetX...

There is one of those empty folder that contain data, look again.
Plus I'd like to quote the first lines of dudeguy installer ReadMe
wich for me, even if I am not a developper sound a little weird...
why the startup item??

""To Install:
Put all the files from the HackMeNot system files folder into your startup items folder located inside your library folder, in your system folder.
Do not go into the interface folder, it may screw up and the program won't work properly.'''
(wich is where all those empty folder "but one" are )

Ok Dudeguy, you picked the wrong gang I think...I think...



  • emptyfolder.jpg
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ok, this whole thing was a joke! the dll files and all that sh*t were just folders! it took me like 5 minutes, I LOVE WASTING PEOPLE'S TIME! I'm sorry, this is just too funny. You're arguing and stuff making up these stories that it isn't stable and that I could just steal your password. It's just a bunch of text files and folders with extensions at the end like .dll and sh*t.
I don't know a f*cking thing about making programs. Shît guys, i'm 13!
But I do want to start programing and shît.
Well anyways, now that i have your attention, my classic won't work!
it says that it isn't installed! I reblessed the system folder, reinstalled os 9, and it still won't work! Does anyone have a clue on what to do?Remember i'm only 13! Thanx,
kid who managed to make a flying fool out of himself a few weeks back (with the penguin/linux avatar)?

Nice to see he's having trouble with his machine anyway.