Any Parental Control Software for Mac?

Plus also take a look at the free OpenDNS (they have instructional video) to limit the kids exposer to certain kinds of web sites (with zero software installed). This way you can block porn, phishing, custom sites from ever reaching your kids. Most kids have no clue (even so-called "geniuses") about DNS. Also most ISP default DNS are never updated or customizable.

It's time to take control of your OWN DNS. It will even make your day-to-day surfing just a little faster.
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This thread was in Mac Classic - hmm? What version of Mac OS or OS X are you running?
10.4 or newer has the parental controls built-in..
This thread was in Mac Classic - hmm? What version of Mac OS or OS X are you running?
10.4 or newer has the parental controls built-in..
sorry for my reply to such an old topic. I am new here. Can I get the Aobo mac keylogger for free. I need one but I don't want to pay for this as it is really a bit expensive for me.

No, you can't get it for free. That's called "piracy" and is illegal.

If it costs money, you have two options:

1) Pay for it. If you absolutely need it, it's worth it.
2) Find an alternate solution.