Apache Permissions

mr. k

Why is http://kao.sytes.net/mt/ forbidden when everything else in my server root is not? I gave sufficient permissions to the directory, and I just cant figure it out. Can anyone help here? I probably just need a fresh mind to take a look at the problem.
http://kao.sytes.net/test/ works just fine, just as the rest of my files, just not the mt directory.
First off, realize that apache requires 'execute' permissions on directories and files to show them to the user on the other end. Not just read. I found this out the hard annoying way.

If a
chmod 755 -R mt/
does not fix it, check your apache config file. It is possable to restrict various paths on a per-directory bassis. Pretty hard to do accidently though.

On Mac OS X, this file is defaultly located in:

keep in mind that apple backs up your httpd.conf when you run certain software updates, and puts a rather bland httpd.conf in its place - this can also screw you over at times.
Yeah, I solved the problem ( I still can't figure out what it was, It wasn't that my permissions didn't let apache execute, I tried both 775 and 777 and still it didn't work. Mabye it was that I restricted directory access in my httpd.conf but about an hour earlier I had a different mt directory in the same place that worked just fine, but all I did was change the name and it fixed the problem.