Apple Script to Zoom Active Excel Sheets


I need an apple script to zoom the active Excel Sheets to zoom to 150. While working in excel, one need to browse to different sheets in a workbook. The zoom level should be 150 whenever I swith to a worksheet. Is such a script possible?
I need an apple script to zoom the active Excel Sheets to zoom to 150. While working in excel, one need to browse to different sheets in a workbook. The zoom level should be 150 whenever I switch to a worksheet. I made the following script, but it works only once.

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set zoom of front window to 150
tell application "System Events" to set ExcelIsRunning to (name of processes) contains "Microsoft Excel"

if ExcelIsRunning then
set zoom of the front window of active workbook to 150
repeat until ExcelIsRunning
return 5
end repeat
end if
end tell