Bandwidth monitor


After searching around on these forums, google and versiontracker, I still cannot find what I'm looking for. I found many network monitoring tools, but none of them did what I wanted it to do.

I would like to find a program that simply shows how many MB/GB of upload/download I have used. The programs I was finding showed me the current amount of data being transferred and other information that is useless to me.

Any help?
Well my problem is that my ISP limits download bandwidth to 15GB a month. I would like a program that allows me to start and reset a the monitoring function for every month.
Why don't you contact your ISP and ask them how to find your current transfered data? If they charge you more after those 15GB they have to let you know about your current status. And if you want to avoid transfering more than 15GB every month, you could also tell your ISP to simply stop any kind of transfer after this limit has been reached. But I am not sure if this is what you want ;)
Try this. I've not but Ridge 2.1 supposed to be $10 shareware that shows various data on transmission files and it can monitor and restrict the amount of data that can be up- and downloaded.
Really? Digging up a 6-year-old thread to make a suggestion? Let's certainly hope that the original poster hasn't been waiting that long for you to come along and suggest it!

Do you work for the company that produces ProteMac Meter or something?