BBedit question



I have done it before but now I cant remember HOW??

I have an emaillist of over 14000 addresses and put the in in BBedit. The I add an suffix of "," after each mail to make it a CVS file.

BUT the I want one address per line and not wraped as they are now. I can't for my life rememebr how to do that :(
Ahh you made the / wrong way. Have to be \r :)

But there is still a way in some menu tool but never mind now :) Thanks!
According to your post it sounds like you have already done this:
"I have an emaillist of over 14000 addresses and put the in in BBedit. The I add an suffix of "," after each mail to make it a CVS file."

You would have done this by pushing the apple-f keys in BBEdit. This brings up the find and replace screen.
In the upper box you put in the text to look for.

In the lower box you put in the text to replace.

I'm not sure what the text in the first "box" should be since I have not seen your file.

The text in the bottom would be something like this

,\r in the replace field means replace the text with , plus a carriage return.

If you give me a sample (2-3 lines) I could give you the correct syntax to put into each box.
Yeah thats the one I think too, but how to use it then to make the carriage return was what I did not remember.