Can't find the startup disc? Need troubleshooting tips!


Looking for progress
Hey everyone,

My Umax J700 is searching for it's startup disc. It's running OS 9.1. I have discs for 8.5, 9.1, X.1.3 and Jag. I used the 9.1 disc and tried holding down "c", "Apple c", "Option c"...I couldn't remember which is was.

Anyway, nothing is happening. It keeps ignoring any keystrokes and then moves on to searching for the startup disc.

Anyone have any thought?

It is just the C key to start up with the CD. Also try Delete + Option + Apple + Shift. Holding them down all at the same time.

Do you get the start up chime? You might want to try Norton Utilities or another Rescue Utility CD for OS 9.
Thanks Cheryl

I'll give the key combo a shot. I have two HD's in the box. Only one has a system on it. If I can't come up with anything, I might just yank the system disc and try starting over with the blank disc and OS 9.1 install CD's.

But that doesn't change the fact that I can't find any discs. I do get the chime, but then just the disc with the ?.

As for recovery discs...thanks for the tip, but, and I know this sounds cheap, I don't want to spend money on this machine. It was given to me and I only use it (and this is I'm sure why it's messed up) for my 1 year old daughter to pound away on the keys. It keeps her from mine and her mothers Macs. I figure no loss if I can't figure it out...I actually have an older, slower Performa that I'll let her smash up too!

I'm not too bummed...I am looking at this as a fun challenge for me to test my computer skills. Plus, I have my backup.

Thanks again for the key combo. If I get anything accomplished I'll post back here.
