Can't open disk images?

Spiral Girl


My internal drive got reformatted with Windows XP and I'm in the midst of trying to recover files. So I'm booting off of the external hard drive which I sectioned off into three partitions and am working off one of these as my main drive until I find out if I can recover anything.

Anywho I'm trying to remember what I need to open certain things or what apps I need to perform certain tasks.

Everytime I download something from macupdate or another site, I get the typical grey disk image or a white sheet of paper with a folded right corner and when I try to open it it says it's opening but never does exactly. I've got Stuffit Expander 11 on here but why won't these images open or show up right? Any ideas or some app I need to solve this?

What OS are you running right now? Some newer disk images are not compatible with 10.3 Panther.

Select the disk image in the Finder, then go to File > Get Info. There are two things there you should check.

The first is the "name and extension" section. If for some reason it does not end in .dmg, change it to .dmg. (A somewhat common problem is that the images download as .dmg.bz2 instead.)

The second is the "Open With" section. It should say "DiskImageMounter", which is an invisible system app. If it's something else, choose "Other" from the menu and navigate your way to "/System/Library/CoreServices/", then click the Change All button.

If both of those things are already in order, try using Disk Utility (in /Applications/Utilities) to verify and mount it.

Thanks, I fixed the problem of Disk Utility crashing and regular disk images not being able to open.

I remembered from awhile back that their is a problem with certain Stuffit Expander versions. So dumped the bit in the trash and replaced it with another one. Restarted my Mac back up and Disk Utility works and disk images now open up for me.

As for the white sheets of paper they are in parts so assuming once I use Split and Concat it will show up properly. I wasn't able to select Disk Image Mounter as it was faded out but hit enable all applications up top in the window and then was able to select it fine. Will see if it shows up once it's all joined.
