Check out this freaky error



So check it out. I get back my Mac TiBook from Apple Care, as posted elsewhere, in record time. I am so happy, and it's like midnight tonight.

So I boot up and it boots into my cute OS 9.2.2. Then I run software update and download the updates. It fails in the middle of the update. Whoah. My control panels under the Left Apply menu are all gone. It just says about this Mac. I am like, whoah. So I go to restart. It says the System Folder is gone. Don't reboot. It won't start up. Freaked, I think about it, examine my HD, and decide that the System Folder *is* there, and so I reboot.

To the little question icon -- no Apple Drives present.

Uh oh.

So, after some toiling and thinking, I boot off the OS9 CD. Sure enough, it comes up. I can see my HD again, and seriously, there is a System Folder and a folder called 'System' -- my OSX folder.

Check THIS out: in the 'System Folder' is WHAT SHOULD BE IN 'System' -- my OSX stuff, and what's in 'System' is what should be in my 'System Folder' -- my OS9 stuff! I am totally amazed. I swap the folder contents.

Whoops. Still no Mac drives. Oh yeah, then I remember about HFS+ filesystem and the fact that the folder names don't matter, just their unique ID. I figure out that the **unique id of my system folder and 'system' folder must have swapped**.

I rename both folders appropriately, reboot, and VOILA, I'm up and running.

If anyone has any insight into this really wild situation that I feel like I got by by means of hail Marys and luck, I would sure welcome your thoughts.

Well, at least you got it back up and running again!
Let's hope I get my TiBook back in record time :rolleyes: