CherryOS Released! Run MacOS X on x86!


UNIX Powered Dervish
Sounds great eh? Well, actually it sounds blasphemous to me. As someone who is STILL waiting for Apple to deliver his Mac mini, I've been using PearPC which is a SLOW emulator of the Mac to play with.

I can tell you that the much hyped CherryOS is nothing more than PearPC, a copy which apart from smoother mouse movement and a GUI, is no faster. I would go as far as saying it's a fraud, don't believe it? Checkout, check the top most article about it being released today and look at the comments, especially the internal variables of the executable which are a copy of PearPC's.

In short, your $49.99 pays for PearPC - a GPL'd application with a GUI and nicer mouse movement. Rip off.

And the moral of the story? BUY A MAC!
padishahemperor said:
Sounds great eh? Well, actually it sounds blasphemous to me. As someone who is STILL waiting for Apple to deliver his Mac mini, I've been using PearPC which is a SLOW emulator of the Mac to play with.

I can tell you that the much hyped CherryOS is nothing more than PearPC, a copy which apart from smoother mouse movement and a GUI, is no faster. I would go as far as saying it's a fraud, don't believe it? Checkout, check the top most article about it being released today and look at the comments, especially the internal variables of the executable which are a copy of PearPC's.

In short, your $49.99 pays for PearPC - a GPL'd application with a GUI and nicer mouse movement. Rip off.

And the moral of the story? BUY A MAC!
Welcome to 2004.
MisterMe said:
Welcome to 2004.
I'm not talking about 2004.

The info and the rumours about it being a rip off came out late last year, which the author denied repeatedly.

However, the actual product was released publicly YESTERDAY, and the actual product which they are now SELLING is a rip off. What I find incredible is the cheek of the authors even releasing it and STILL claiming it to be their own work.
I really despise companies that require you to fill in person information to test out their software. I never give them the right info and use a throw-away email anyways. This just compounds the fact this company is shady and their software, though obviously a rip-off, is just setup so they can harvest peoples personal info for their other projects... maybe even sell off your email to other companies.
CherryOs and similar are IMO the most pointless products in existence. I can't believe there would ever be an audience for such a thing. Certainly not enough of an audience to justify its development.

Some of use PC emulators because we pretty much have to, not because we want to. If you're using a Mac emulator, it's because you want to (for example, no company is going to demand that you author your websites to be Safari compliant, let's get real). And if you want to enjoy the Mac experience, you simply have to get a Mac.

Utterly stupid and pointless product. They won't make a dime. The only way such a product could have a chance is if it ran nearly as fast as the real deal, which will never happen, just like it isn't even close to happening in Virtual PC. I only tolerate it cuz I have to.
CherryOS is completely fake, will never come out, the "authors" lied about the 80% speed, and the core was based on PearPC. Further, the "makers" of CherryOS charged a great deal of money for a software that is released under the GPL.
mindbend said:
CherryOs and similar are IMO the most pointless products in existence. I can't believe there would ever be an audience for such a thing. Certainly not enough of an audience to justify its development.

Some of use PC emulators because we pretty much have to, not because we want to. If you're using a Mac emulator, it's because you want to (for example, no company is going to demand that you author your websites to be Safari compliant, let's get real). And if you want to enjoy the Mac experience, you simply have to get a Mac.

Utterly stupid and pointless product. They won't make a dime. The only way such a product could have a chance is if it ran nearly as fast as the real deal, which will never happen, just like it isn't even close to happening in Virtual PC. I only tolerate it cuz I have to.

I agree, but.. I played with PearPC under Linux and yes, it was too slow for anything worthwhile and the entire community around it is utterly pointless, but it did give me a taste of what I was missing out on, having played with it for a few weeks and then the real thing at the Apple Store in London, I was hooked, when Apple finally bought out something affordable I switched.

Now me and my mini live in symbiotic bliss ;-)

Beyond the novelty of test driving OS X, it's pointless and will probably never deliver a usable speed like Virtual PC does on a Mac.
The thing about geeks is, it doesn't have to "make sense." It just has to work.

Pursuit of knowledge, proof of concept, yadda yadda, all that jazz. Just to see if it can be done.