Clie + OSX.3 -- what do I need?


I haven't used a PDA in a few years...last time a Visor Deluxe with OS9.

I recently got a Sony Clie through work and have a few questions...

- what can I use to hotsync it? Palm desktop? iSync? Or do I need to buy the 'missing sync' software to use it at all?

- It looks like Avantgo does not support OS9. Any favorite alternatives to AvantGo for OSX?

- Any favorite password storage programs? I'd like one with an accompanying OSX desktop app.
Q: what can I use to hotsync it? Palm desktop? iSync? Or do I need to buy the 'missing sync' software to use it at all?
A: Palm Desktop for OS X will work fine.

Q: It looks like Avantgo does not support OS9. Any favorite alternatives to AvantGo for OSX?
A: What does AvantGo do? If it's a document reader for Word and Excel, try Datavis Documents-to-go. If not, I could probably drudge up something similar.

Q: Any favorite password storage programs? I'd like one with an accompanying OSX desktop app.
A: I actually use a password-protected memo... :)
er...Avantgo doesn't support *OSX*.

Also, this thread says that there is a reply to it on the main page, but I can't see any reply anywhere.

Finally, these new forums seem really buggy. I can't get a lot of it to work in IE/PC. Camino in OSX has a lot of rendering problems with tis interface as well. It also seems a lot slower than the old forums. Just FYI...
Yes it does! Go to (makers of Missing Sync for Palm OS 2.0 with AvantGo Internet access); there are several other AvantGo USB Sync products available too -- and has a Palm 5 app available now.

aluminum said:
er...Avantgo doesn't support *OSX*.

Also, this thread says that there is a reply to it on the main page, but I can't see any reply anywhere.

Finally, these new forums seem really buggy. I can't get a lot of it to work in IE/PC. Camino in OSX has a lot of rendering problems with tis interface as well. It also seems a lot slower than the old forums. Just FYI...
So...Arden says, no, I don't need any special software, GadgetLover says, yes, I do. Anyone want to jump in as the tie-breaker?

Well, Panther is on the way, so I can, of course, just try it out for myself come next week. ;o)

Arden...I'm not sure how secure Palm OS 4 is vs. 3, but password-protected memos using the OS'es own PWD protection were never considered very secure.

AvantGo allows you to download web sites and sync them with your Palm to read off-line.

Thanks for the info!