.cshrc & .xinitrc ???


Hi I have just installed fink and x11 I downloaded kde as my windows manager to see how well it would work.

This worked but the menu bar was in another window so I played around with teh .cshrc file in ~ now when I type exec kde or start it tells me the command cannot be found. This is all I have in the file.

\source /sw/bin/init.csh
source /sw/bin/init.csh

What is the .cshrc and .xinitrc files used for?

I understand you can exec a windows manager in .cshrc but what else?

.xinitrc has in it exec quartz.wm

well .xinitrc is used to set (user) initial prefs for ur x-server, start a wm, and to startup x11 apps

After installing Fink, you must set your PATH environment variable in order to use the software installed in Fink's directory hierarchy, you do this by writing the following shell script at the beginning of your ~/.cshrc or ~/.tcshrc files:

source /sw/bin/init.csh

If you write a ~/.xinitrc file in your home directory, it will be used to start some initial X clients, like a window manager and some xterms or a desktop environment like GNOME or KDE.

If you have Apple X11 installed, write a simple ~/.xinitrc file like this:

source /sw/bin/init.sh

xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 &

exec quartz-wm
Good luck.
