Deleting unfinished downloaded files. :s


While downloading some pictures from internet explorer, the prohramm unexpectedly quite causing the files to not download completly. No when i try to delet the files a pop up messages says the files are being used so i cannot dlet them. This also happens when I try to move the files to another folder. Does anyone know how I can delete them?
Have you tried relaunching the program, then quitting properly? Then try and delete the files.

Or log out/in. That should work.
Miss Piper, you need a program like iEmpty. Designed for that problem.

Unfortunately, it is no longer among the public downloads that I'm aware of.
If you want a copy, I'll be happy to e-mail it to you as an attachment.
Thank you for you advice but Convert that link doesnt work. albloom I would be very grateful if you could email it to me as an attachment, my email address is in my profile :D Thank you very much.
You don't permit e-mail, Miss Piper. PM me your address, and I'll be happy
to send you a copy.

BTW, Convert's link seems as busted (points to nowhere) as every other
one I've found to MSA. Those critters just vaporized. I think someone
forot to set his phaser on stun.
Convert's link seems as busted (points to nowhere) as every other
one I've found to MSA.

Convert's link took me to MacUpdate's iEmpty 1.1 info page. Did you get that far, at least?

I'm not sure what is being tried to be deleted or from where, but this bit might come handy one day:

Holding the OPTION key, choose "EMPTY TRASH" from the Finder menu.
Convert's link took me to MacUpdate's iEmpty 1.1 info page.
Did you get that far, at least?

Thus far and no further.