Dimmed Screen Freeze


From time to time when I attempt to go on line, a transparent greyed screen will come over the desktop with an error message stating that I must restart the computer. I then turn off the computer & reboot. Sometimes it will restart OK and sometimes I only get the Apple logo with the spinning icon. After a nothing else proceeds, the fan comes on & I have to shut down the computer. When this occurs, the only way I can get a normal boot is to hold down the option key to choose a hard drive.

Here is a description of my accessing the internet: I go to the menu bar & click on the dialup icon. There is a check mark next to the internal modem, then I simply click on "connect". Most of the time the access process is fine, but once in a while I get the freeze which I call the "Dimmed Screen Freeze".

After a success reboot, the Apple error report comes up showing the error. I then send the report to Apple. I also made a screen shot of this error so that someone knowlegable could read it & perhaps help me fix this problem. If you would like it, I could email it to you as an attachment.

My OS is 10.4.5. I have a G5 1.8 GHz single processor PPC. Also installed is 1.5GB of RAM. I'm am using the internal modem with dialup.
What you have is a Kernel Panic. Usually it happens once and never happens again (I've had 1). If it happens more than once then it usually is a hardware problem, usually bad RAM. Have you added RAm recently. You can test by removing the RAM chips one by one and seeing if you get the "Dimmed Screen". Post a Pic of the probelm with your internet, may be related to the Kernel Panic.