Disk Utility


Hello all,

I have a USB external drive. It has 2 partition: Win32 and Linux. I used Disk Utility and try to delete the Linux partion but accidently erased the entire disk.

how do I re-create the partion back?

in the past, I used to use fdisk from DOS, even if I deleted partiton, if I re-create it again with same size, all data should appear again.

is it the case with Mac OSX too ?

in the past, I used to use fdisk from DOS, even if I deleted partiton, if I re-create it again with same size, all data should appear again.

I would be very surprised if you could get this to happen under any circumstances, as all the disk partitioners tend to wipe the contents as part of the process.

There is FDISK for both DOS and Linux, and the Mac equivalent is Disk Utility.