Do Apple's CDRW support burn-proof?


The Most Stupid Member
Do the CDRW/Combo/SuperDrive come with iMac/iBook/PowerMac/PowerBook support burn-proof?
I think the drives are pretty slow so its not really that important whether they support burn proof or not. Normally if you burning software doesnt give you the ability to enable the burn-proof feature it means its not present.

Well thats my experience with Nero and EasyCdCreator in windows.
In Toast on my PowerMac, it always asks me if I want "buffer underrun" protection, which is the same thing as burn proof. All it does is sent data to the cd-rw's memory well before it's ready to burn that block so it's there when the cd-rw needs it.
didnt know they were 24x, suppose they arent slow then, mind you they arent fast either cos 40x burners are only £110 now days.
IMHO, 40x burners don't improve much on 24x. What's a minute more for burning? What kills me is the slow burning speed on the SuperDrives (isn't it 8x?).
4 is still better than 1x.... or 0.5x...

Just thought I'd let people know that it's not as bad as it could be. :D
i had a LaCie 2x2x6 USB burner for while... ouch! That was in the tost 4 days, too... had to go to lunch to burn a disc, all the while praying for no buffer underrun. I dont miss it at all.

I am constantly amazed at how fast itunes and the finder seems to burn my discs on my quicksilver... no complaints here. No coasters either!
The Superdrive is a Pioneer DVR-A03/A04. The specs are :
Read :
CD-ROM 16x
DVD 4x
Write :
CDR 8x

Pioneer will sell a new model (A05 ?), faster, but there is no release date...