Do you stand behind your country?



As many of us disagree with President Bush and the military's actions in the past few months, I've noticed a sharp decline in the support of our nation. I sometimes wonder if there was another war going on with Bush at the helm, large enough to cause the draft to come into play, would any of you fight for our country, or rather run off across a border than support the military's decisions?

Do you stand behind America? I still do, because I have hope for a better leader next election. However, it's not the leader that makes up America, it's the people...

Just something I would throw out there and see what happened from it.
Very interesting question. Hm, though finding those weapons of mass D would have been a big mural boost for my support for him I have understanding you just can't expect them to fall in your lap when the country was all ready preparing for you. I really don't like the idea of going to another war if the possibility is there. I mean he not any worse then our last president but do I stand behind America, my home. I go to war to protect my family but I certainly hope it doesn't come to that. And I agree, it's the people who make the U>S what it is but I do fell a respectable leader is good.
Originally posted by Ricky
As many of us disagree with President Bush and the military's actions in the past few months, I've noticed a sharp decline in the support of our nation.

Actually, THIS is in difficult question right here. To many people, "support" means blind faith in their leader. To others, "support" means standing up for what they believe in, based upon the rights that the old white guys from the 1700s gave us. (Free speech, right to assembly, and all that good stuff)

I saw a bumper sticker that said something like this:

"I support my country, but my government scares me."

I sometimes wonder if there was another war going on with Bush at the helm, large enough to cause the draft to come into play, would any of you fight for our country, or rather run off across a border than support the military's decisions?

Well, this all depends... is this a cause I believe in? Am I really defending my country, or just doing one of these uncalled for-Iraq-like wars?

Let's put it this way... If WWIII comes, my parents have offered to take a road trip with me.

or, I could just say no, and maybe just hang around in jail for the duration of the war. When people ask me "Why were you in jail?" I can just say "I didn't want to go to war." I have my moral and philosophical reasons.
Run is what I'd do. gw did!

Seriously though, it would depend upon the war. The war in Iraq was pre-emptive and ill-advised. If another country attacked the US then yes, I would. If it was a pre-emptive strike against N Korea then no. I stand behind the principles that America was founded on but I find it very difficult to stand behind the current administration and the interventionist policies of the state department and the pentagon of the last ~50 years.
i live in canada... the weather is nice except for the cold winters, where there is snow. Toronto is the best place to be, beacuse it has easy access to New York, like the city called Buffalo, which i go to often (a 4 hour drive i think, without traffic jams).
(This message has been brought to you by the Government of Canada).
Canada doesnt get into wars, it just helps USA with their wars.
Just avoid any place with crowds and make sure your surgical mask is of the kind with static electricity in order to kill Sars. And don't forget the lousy exchange rate and that all the good hockey teams move south. :)
Anyway, personally I think it's a weak question from someone looking to troll about. The question is too vague. Depends on the circumstances; always has, always will.
I'm French.

I disagree with about 80% of my president's decisions. I disagree with about 80% military actions of my own country, as well as with its military inaction (Chechnya).

I've noticed a sharp decline in the support of our nation, just like Ricky. I do stand behind myself, I do not stand behind France. I'll fight for my own opinions, not my country's. I have no hope for a better leader next election. I do not trust the masses more than the government.

Although France cannot do this in practice, if I were to receive a smart letter telling me I should kiss my relatives and fly to Third World to bomb people, I'd tell them to peace off.
I didn't support GW when I was living in Texas and he was the governor. :p

I told people not to vote for him, but did anyone listen to me? :rolleyes:

I seem to remember getting into this same discussion in another thread a while back...anyway, I stand behind my country, but don't give a damn about the government. ;)

If we had a draft (which I kinda doubt would happen at the moment, unless GW went crazy and decided to take on China), I'd most likely do it, unless I really thought the war was totally pointless. Then I'd probably stop to think about it.
If you look at American history, the US was in an isolationist mood in the late 1930s and early '40s. Americans weren't interested in fighting a second European war. Then Pearl Harbor happened and people joined up, not so much to push the ideology of their leaders or their country's poltical motives, but to do something for the good of man and in defense of their homes and loved ones. That's a big difference than today. Everyone was touched in some way by 9/11 (and not just Americans), but life quickly returned to normal. Few sacrifices had to made other than longer lines at airports and a slight rise in gas prices. And the other military involvements? Little impact for civilians. Lots of differences, hence the weakness of the wind-up that started this post.
I have a 6 foot wide American flag on my front porch. I love my country and I would give my life to defend it against Canada. ;)

But seriously though, this isn't a bad place to live. Hard work is rewarded well here.

BTW: my G4 died last night, see this thread
Originally posted by Darkshadow
I told people not to vote for him, but did anyone listen to me? :rolleyes:

Hahah, no offence Darkshadow but if you walked up to me a told me not to vote for so and so. I wouldn't listen also. :p
I have an Exorcist poster that goes higher than my highest wall. Never look at it at night.
Originally posted by Reality
Hahah, no offence Darkshadow but if you walked up to me a told me not to vote for so and so. I wouldn't listen also. :p

None taken. ;) But I did tell people I was speaking from experience...ah well. Guess nobody listens to us shadows. :D the heck do you hang up a poster that's bigger than your wall? :confused:
Originally posted by Darkshadow the heck do you hang up a poster that's bigger than your wall? :confused:

I use Blu-Tak. Wonderful thing my English teacher made me discover at 6. At the time, I played with it all the time, I even stole some in her desk. Now I hang up scary stuff on walls using the same Blu-Tak over the years.