Download? How?


Hey guys. I have what I think is a pretty easy question for you. On my site I am going to add a download page. And I want to make links that when clicked will start the download. You know the basic. I can’t find in any of my books though, how to do that. So if someone can help, that would be great!

If I am understanding your question..

You should just link directly to the file...if you link to a file that ends in a *.exe or *.zip or something of that sort than the browser will download the file automagically.

You should upload your files to your webserver with a FTP program as well.

I think this is what you were asking..
That is what I am asking. I don't use a ftp program because my site is on my iDisk. So if I stick it in the public folder and just link to it, it should be ok.

Will it work with a .jpg? So someone can download a background.

With *.jpg I believe it'll open it up in the browser, however they can still right click and save as on the pic. The browser won't just download it'll display it first.
Browsers read files' MIME types. Examples given:
If your file is type jpeg/picture, it will open it.
If your file is type zip/x-application, it will download it.

Check in your browser (you can do this in IE or in Netscape/Mozilla) for other MIME types.

What is certain is that every browser on Earth will download BIN, ZIP, SIT and EXE files. I recommend using ZIP.

You could possibly zip your JPEGs to force download them.

<a href="">Click me to download the JPEG picture I have zipped</a>