DSL stalling with certain sites


I just moved from 56K modem to ADSL yesterday. Everything is great, up and running with no problems. However, I am having a problem with certain web sites.

Sites that I previously had no problems connecting to (both secure and insecure) with my 56K modem (yesterday morning), suddenly stall forever without timing out (as of move to DSL yesterday afternoon).

I've tried OmniWeb 4.0, OmniWeb 4.1sp10, Netscape 6.2, and IE. But the same thing happens:

I type in the address or choose a bookmark, the site is found and connected, and then status indicates 'waiting for document from www..." Then, it just sits there.

I called ISP tech support regading issue and they said it is a known bug with Mac OS 9< and OS X, that they are working on it, but they cannot get good answers from Apple. The techie said that it had something to do with the "MTU settings in UNIX" that they can fix it - temporarily - buit once they trun of the box and turn it back on the problem returns.

A co-worker said he had similar problems on a Wintel box, and could get around this by dropping into DOS, trace routing for the IP address of the site, and using that instead of the 'name address'.

Anyone ever hear of this? Know of a fix? Is this a known bug, like they say?