Dual display issues with Leopard version of Boot Camp

I have a Dell 24" monitor hooked up to my MBP. When I boot into Windows I have problems with this setup. I can extend the desktop OK, but, but the 24" screen can be set only as the secondary monitor. Obviously, when playing games or full screen video this doesn't work, as they only on the primary screen (which is set to the MBP display).

The checkbox "make this display the primary monitor" is not available when I click Display #2 in the properties.

THis used to work fine when I used the beta drivers, but these new Leopard bundled ones do not. The old drivers I used gave me an ATI branded control panel in the advanced settings of the display panel, but now they are gone :(

I have tried downloading ATI's RadeonX1600 drivers, but they refuse to install.

I'm reading a lot of similar postings across the Web with no solution. The only solution I've read so far is changing the ATI settings, but they are no longer available in the newest version.

ANy thoughts?
Can you revert back to the old driver. There should be a "revert back to old driver" option somewhere in the driver settings for the video card.
THanks Scott. Unfortuantely I did a clean install when I got Leopard, so I have nothing to revert back to. You did, however, give me an idea, and I have fixed the problem.

I happened to still have the driver disc I created using the first or second beta version of Boot Camp some months ago. I installed that and said "yes" when it warned me I was replacing current drivers with old ones.

After that, I had the full ATI control panel I had before, and have been able to have complete control over my dual displays once again.

Aren't the beta drivers supposed to be the buggy ones, not the other way around??