Error Code 0x80020022



I'm running a 1st generation intel macbook with superdrive.

I'm unable to complete burning a dvd containing audio files within Finder. I created a burn folder containing 4.3 gigs of files and the burn goes on smoothly till 99% (before disc verification starts).

This is the point where I see 'Error code 0x80020022'.

I've only Toast 8 installed but I've never used that before. It's just sitting in my hard disc.

Any solutions / ideas what's wrong?

Here's a copy of my system.log. I hope it'd help.

Nov 13 23:28:18 Alvins-Macintosh Disk Utility[148]: **********
Nov 13 23:28:18 Alvins-Macintosh Disk Utility[148]: Disk Utility started.
Nov 13 23:28:23 Alvins-Macintosh kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x03, ASC = 0x02, ASCQ = 0x00
Nov 13 23:28:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Nov 13 23:28:32 Alvins-Macintosh kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
Nov 13 23:28:43 Alvins-Macintosh kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x03, ASC = 0x02, ASCQ = 0x00
Nov 13 23:28:52: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Nov 13 23:28:52 Alvins-Macintosh kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
Nov 13 23:28:52 Alvins-Macintosh kernel[0]:
Nov 13 23:28:52: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Nov 13 23:28:52 Alvins-Macintosh diskarbitrationd[30]: unable to mount /dev/disk1s2 (status code 0x00000001).
Nov 13 23:29:13 Alvins-Macintosh Disk Utility[148]: Eject of “MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857” succeeded

Thank you,
Hi, did you ever get a reply about this error and how to fix it ? I have had this for a few months where CDs are burned no problem but dvds ? Fugghett about it !


We are volunteers so give us a darn break. It's summer time and we all have lives so have some patience.

Have you cleaned that drive lately? Take a can of compressed air and gently and a angle tip the Mac up and blow some air to get dust out of the drive. Plus run and CD/DVD cleaning disk to clean the laser lens. If doing these two things and it still doesn't burn, try a known better CDR brand disk to see if the blank disk is not working.

If none of these things work, replace the drive.
AlvinLee - have you checked this?

Satcomer may well be right, the Matshita drive may be either have a dirty lens requiring cleaning, or is faulty. If you're going to consider replacement, go external Pioneer. The 115D will do what you want.

You say you have Toast 8 - have you actually tried to use it?

Third - from left field, how full is your hard disk? If it's close to capacity, therein may lie the problem. Burning 4.3 Gb of files requires a cache to be compiled before the burn process takes place. After a successful (or not) burn, that cache is deleted. Your hd may have insufficient room for a cache to be built completely.