Extracting files from an iso.


Hi, have an iso and need to extract the files from it, Disk utility can see that there are 4 files but not what they are, If I mount the iso I get an empty window.
Is there any way to get these files out?
I have toast 6 ti. It can mount the image but the finder window for the content of the iso is empty.
Mount the image.

Open the Terminal. Type "cd /Volumes/[Volume Name]" and replace the [Volume Name] with the exact name of the mounted disk image, then press Enter. If there are spaces in the name of the disk image, put the name in double quotes.

Type "ls -la" and press Enter.

Do the files show?
This is what I get.
ls: DOA????18?? (11).gi: Input/output error
ls: DOA????18?? (12).gi: Input/output error
ls: DOA????18?? (13).gi: Input/output error
ls: DOA????18??.gi: Input/output error
total 4
dr-xr-xr-x 2 unknown nogroup 348 27 May 2003 .
drwxrwxrwt 4 root admin 136 18 Mar 08:22 ..
You could always just do cp -R /Volumes/volume-name/* /Users/your-home

That might not work since your disc image looks to be corrupted. Just give it a go anyway.
Ok I tried it.
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i | -n] [-pv] src target
cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i | -n] [-pv] src1 ... srcN directory
I dont know what this means?
(thanks for the help by the way:)
Using "terminal"

This is the long winded way.

Change directory to where the ISO image is located

cd /Volumes

ls -al - to find what volumes are mounted, i.e too see where you uwant to go next

(This is the same as cd /Volumes/VOLUME_NAME)

ls -al - to check the files are there in the ISO image

cp -R * $HOME/Desktop/.

This will copy the files from the "mounted" ISO image to the desktop in your MacOSX account.

If there are a lot of files and subdirectories, it will be worth creating a new foler on your desktop - say TEMP, you can do this from MacOSX GUI.

Then the command line would look like

cp -R * $HOME/Desktop/TEMP/.

NOTE: $HOME - is a UNIX environment variable, this is set to the home directory of the currently logged in user.

NOTE: The "Usage" line that got returned just means there was something wrong with what got typed.
I dont think im entering this line right
cp -R * $HOME/Desktop/.
Sorry I dont ever use terminal, If my home account were named brian, How should this be entered.
This is strange, I get a folder on the desktop with the same name as the iso, but there is nothing in it, finder says its zero kb. ?
Thanks for helping once again