Hi Decado,
I must have gotten a hold of a bad Apple at Apple Customer Service. With further research I find that Tiger OS X 10.4 does come with an OS 9 System Folder. I found this out at the Apple website. Apparently, some PowerMac G5's have this folder preinstalled on the hard drive, others don't - go figure. But the good news is that if it is not on the HD, one can install it from the CDs that come with the computer. So all systems go!
What I understood is that "Classic" simulates OS 9 - which allows one to run their older programs. I'm figuring that inorder for OS 9 to run beside Tiger they had to fiddle with the programming of the original OS 9, thus coming up with "Classic" an OS 9 simulator. I'll have to check into this out of curiousity. Since I am going to become a Mactite (Mac-tete) (tete with "^" over the first "e" is french for "head" and pronounced "tite". I am from Quebec(a french province) in Canada so I like to cover both languages.
I sent an email to tech support for the game, "The Omega Stone". Requirements call for an OS running 10.2 to 10.3. They can not guarentee that it will work on Tiger. They said that some programs are backward compatible and some aren't. If it were not to work, then simply send it back to them for a refund. Now that doesn't sit well with me. Deals come up on Ebay and I'll never know if the game or software requirements calling for 10.1 to 10.3, will run correctly on Tiger OS X - especially if it is a used version. I forsee a no-refund in the midst.
Thanks for listing the game "Secret of the Luxor". I'll go check it out tonight!
Take care