Freezing problems


I thought it was msn or firefox at first, but now I am wondering if it's the computer.

What it does is I am in the middle of anything really or doing nothing and the rainbow circle comes up and spins and I can't do anything besides restart.

I have a G4 Tower, 768mb ram and using 10.4.11

Any ideas? It's getting really annoying
Try pulling out the RAM and see if it's any of the RAM modules. Pull one out and restart, then replace that one and pull another and restart, etc. This way, you might be able to pinpoint it to a failing RAM module if that's the problem. Also, make sure that you have enough hard drive space available. You need at least 10% free hard drive space, otherwise OS X will start to behave strangely and get slow. And if you hear any steady repetitive clicks coming from the hard drive (sounds like "", not the standard thrashing sound), backup your data ASAP as that is the sound of a hard drive about to physically fail.

Hope these tips help.
I don't hear any noise or clicking. As for hard drive space capacity is 18.95 GB with 12.65 GB available.

I still have to do the ram testing. Sometimes the icons in the dock will bounce instead of opening. Are fine when computer is restarted.

Also with the freezing sometimes are worse than others. Sometimes it won't happen or only once while at the computer. Other times will be repeatedly.

Out of curiousity, have you run a disk repair as well as permissions repairs on the drive? Do that and see how it turns out.