Funny Stuff

Anybody else come here expecting something funny, only to find nothing?


Two atoms were walking down the street. One atom said to the other atom, "Hey, I think I lost an electron." The other atom asked "Are you positive?"
LOL... no wonder your avatar is an atom...

Obsessive-compulsive behavior:

"Here is a little particle of dust on my iBook!" Wipe.
"Here is a little particle of dust on my iBook!" Wipe.
"Here is a misplaced atom on my iBook!" Zap!
"Whoopsies. Now i've made it unstable."
Well, my hair's longer and I'm not always smiling, but basicly that's what I look like. Why did I make you lol?:mad:

I once rigged some computers at the U for Program Linking. Then, when PC users would try to use the computers, I would execute this piece of code:
tell application "Finder" of machine "machine1"
   say "Get away from the computer!"
   say "You cannot use me, since you are a PC weenie."
   shut down
end tell

Or the simpler version:
tell application "Finder" of machine "machine1"
   say "This computer will blow in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
end tell

LO-friggin'-L, wdw_. that pic is really really bizarre :) just something about the duck... and your expression... :)
That's why I love that picture so much. The only thing I'd want different is to have both of my feet on the bars.