Going through withdrawls


Searching for logic
I sold my ibook on ebay on Saturday. I got a good chunk of change for it, and I plan on using the money to buy myself a ibook g4. But the guy who had the highest bid hasn't contacted me as to when he is going to pay me. So for now, the laptop is in a box as my girlfriends house, everything thing in perfect condition, while I wait for this guy to transfer the money. Right now I'm using a Windows XP box, and it is driving me crazy. This machine has no soul. While my iBook did seem to have one, it grew to be innadequate for my needs.

Seperation anxiety between a man and his machien is tortue, especially when he is waiting for his new one.....
Why don't you just keep using it until he wires you the money? If he really wants the machine, he'll have to pony up for it. Why store it away if you're not going to be sending it out just yet?

I'm not saying reinstall all your software and games and start on the next big Star Wars killer. But you can at least check your email on it while you wait on this guy.