Hard Disk Problem



I have a 5500/275 with OS 9

A few weeks ago the HD stopped working...
I tried to get it working again, but no success...

I tried to initialize the drive with Drive Setup, and that worked, but I couldn't install a system on it ( error everytime : could not read file : .... on HD ) This happend with system 7.6, 8, 8.5 and 9....

I tried Norton Disk Doctor, but it can't do a media Check.... The HD keeps making the same noise and the progressbar doesn't get any further, but the system does not crash, only the HD is the problem with the check in Norton Disk Doctor.

Is there a way to get this drive back working ???
and how ???
Have you used Disk First Aide that is in the Utility folder of the OS 9 cd?

Run that first( and a couple of times), then run Norton.

If you still can't get it going, then it is time to replace it.
I agree with Cheryl. Get whatever you can off that drive and replace it. It's very inexpensive these days to add a hard drive to a computer like the one you have. Just make sure it's ATA matches the card you have installed currently. If you get a drive that's too fast for the connection internally then you are going to have problems.