headphone plug in tibook



The tip of the plug of my headphone broke of and is still in my
tibook. Does anyone have an idear how i can remove it?
Now i have no sound anymore.

hope someone can help me

Thats not very good. I really don't know what to suggest besides taking it to an Apple Store or calling Apple. I've never heard of that happening...

I agree 100% with themacko.

If it were me, I might try taking a flat-headed pin or small tack, very lightly moistening the top with fast acting superglue, attaching it to the piece still inside the 'book (if the break was flat enough), and in an hour, slowly trying to pull it straight out.

>>YOU SHOULD NOT DO THIS!<< I'm simply thinking aloud what I would be tempted to do myself, because I'm nutty like that. :)

themacko, ZeroAltitude

Thanx for the thoughts, i am really tempted to give it a try because i am nutty like that aswell. First i am going to call apple, maybe they have another solution.

Thanks for the superglue tip.
I used the old broken plug, used superglue and voila.
I am very happy that i don't have to send it to apple.
Sometimes you have to take a chance

