Help needed with planning a backup strategy


So, I'm planning a more automated backup strategy for 5 Macs, all but one of which are running Mac OS X 10.5. One is running OS X 10.6.

I was about to get a 1TB Time Capsule and use Time Machine but now I'm not so sure about this.

Three iMacs each have only one user account with data to be backed up. Two are running OS X 10.5 and one is running OS X 10.6.

One Mac-mini has 5 user accounts with data to be backed up. This is running OS X 10.5.

Another Mac-mini has only 1 user account with data to be backed up. This is running OS X 10.5.

So, I was thinking of getting the Time Capsule and letting Time Machine use it to backup the data, provided it could automatically backup all of the user accounts on the Mac-mini with the 5 accounts. After reading some threads here about the Time Capsule and backups, I'm starting to think I could possibly save some money by getting an external 1TB or 2TB hard drive and connect it to one of the Macs and use AFP to share the drive so Time Machine could backup to that drive from all of the Macs on the network.

If I get the Time Capsule, I wouldn't need the wireless networking capability and would like to simply connect it to the network via Ethernet cable. The good thing about this is the Time Capsule would be on all the time and the backups would happen whenever they happened.

If I went with an external hard drive, the system to which it was connected would need to be powered up all the time. There is an old G3-based (I think) PowerMac that is an old file server that could possibly be used for this. It's running OS X 10.4. I'm thinking I could attach the external hard drive to this system and share the drive via AFP for the other Macs to use for Time Machine backups. This would save the cost of the Time Capsule but would probably be a slower solution, provided it would even work (with the back level of OS X possibly being an issue). Otherwise, the Mac-mini with the single user account and running OS X 10.5 could be the "host" of the external hard drive.

Would I be better off getting Time Capsule or an external hard drive and using on of the existing Macs as a "backup server" of sorts?

Also, when it comes to restoring backups, if I don't use a Time Capsule and I need to restore data from a Time Machine backup, how would that work if the Time Machine backup was stored on an external hard drive connected to another Mac that is shared via AFP?

