How do I archive my Font Book settings?


I've spent a lot of time collecting fonts and sorting them into about 25 different collections. Is there a way that I can archive all of this so I can either share it with other people or be able to restore my settings if my computer goes sour?

I haven't found an easy way so I have just kept copies of all my fonts in folders. If you have already installed them it's easy enough to copy the fonts from your user library font file back into folders for back up..
Have fun
Travis86 said:
I've spent a lot of time collecting fonts and sorting them into about 25 different collections. Is there a way that I can archive all of this so I can either share it with other people or be able to restore my settings if my computer goes sour?


Buy an external hard (or a second internal hard drive). Then download an freeware/shareware backup application (like Carbon Copy Cloner or others) to back up all the font books or your whole system. The failure of not backing up is the number one mistake of most computer users.