[HOW TO] Clone OS X machine over a network


Hey there,

I'm wanting to setup a disk image on a server computer and shedule It to dump Itself onto target machines over a network through IP Addresses. I've searched and searched all the MAC OS X boards but I just can't work this out.

Does anyone know IF this is actually possible? Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Check this company out. They have an application called casper that allows you to clone booting up off of a netboot image and installing across the network. They also have a beta program that runs off of any type of SQL server which allows you to take control of a machine through a web browser to remotely image a machine.

Other than that there is not much outside of timbuckto and Apple Remote Desktop...

Here is the link to casper:
Does anyone have a functional method to clone a boot drive, from a G4, and transfer the image to a G5?

Like most of us, I gotta have a dual G5, but I'm really concerned with all the apps that I'll have to set up again on the new machine. I don't think I'll keep the old G4, so a LAN isn't in the cards for this setup, and I've got so many old apps that have been upgraded; some through a CD, some through a download, that I doubt I'll be able to rebuild everything.

Ideal would be to copy, or transfer the apps to the new machine. Can we create a disk image of the boot drive, and copy it to the new machine and get things to work?

Thanks for the help,

Yep-Carbon Copy Cloner does, indeed, create a great bootable drive FOR THE MACHINE FROM WHICH THE BOOTDRIVE WAS CLONED. The big question is, will that cloned bootdrive (which worked fine on the original machine) also work on the new G5, or are there boot routines that will confuse the boot process on the G5?

Cloning works great for having a backup bootdrive, but is it transportable to a different animal, like the G5?
I'm hoping that does the job, because it would be very difficult to rebuild my old G4 system on the new G5 otherwise. Too many upgraded apps...too many little tweaks that I've built in over the years...much better to just take a picture and make it work on the new machine.

Someone has to know, for sure...but it ain't me!