How To Replace Folders


Please help me:
I'm trying to create some custom folders (to include a jpg image in the folder icon) and then replace certain folder with this ones.

I have no ideea how to create foldfer icons out of jpg images, or how to replace common folders with this new folders.

Please help! 10x
I replaced quite a number of folder icons with small images to make it easier to
find the files I need. After creating the jpeg images, I replaced the .jpg extention
of that file with .icn.

Then I would Ctrl-Click( or right click) on the folder I want to change and choose
"Get Info". This would bring out a window that shows info on that file and its icon
and permissions.

Then I would go to that .icn image that I just created and Ctrl-Click and
choose "copy". Go back to the Get info window, click on the icon file on top(It should be highlighted after you click on it)

and then go to the menu bar, choose "Edit" and then choose "Paste". The old
folder icon should be replaced by the image you created.

I dont know if this is what you wanted or if this is the correct way to do it,
but hope it helps