[HOWTO] - Change iTunes Visualizer!


A wide number of people arn't aware of these features in iTunes, luckily my Mac OS X Features Guide team has found this information:

When in the Visualizer you can use the following keys to change the:

1) Current Motion (Lines, dots.)
2) Color Scheme (Red and Yellow [Lava].)
3) Some other thing, not sure what it is though.


1) Q-change backwards, W-change forwards
2) A-change backwards, S-change forwards
3) Z-change backwards, X-change forwards

Mess around with the settings, you can come up with something fun...I'm sure of it. :)
*1) Current Motion (Lines, dots.)
*2) Background movement [correction]
*3) Color Scheme (Red and Yellow [Lava].) [correction]
for * look in keys

1) Q-change backwards, W-change forwards
2) A-change backwards, S-change forwards
3) Z-change backwards, X-change forwards

"C" Show Visules info (what combo of * you have)
"I" Show song info
"T" Toggle "Cap Frame Rate"
"F" Toggle "Frame Rate Desplay
"R" Random Combo of *
"M" Toggle Between: "Freeze" "User set 0-9" or "Random"
"D" clears all settings
Shift # (0-9) Assign a number to a combo of * that you like
0-9 Go to the Visual assigned to the number
And finaly "H" (tells you all this stuff in desplay mode :D :p )

ok now can we move this to the HOW-TO part of MacosX.com?
if you wish to change Volume w/o changing screens you can press:
+ Volume up
- Volume down
Shift + Max Volume
Shift - Min Volume (to the point of a mute)
many people already know about this. but this was a how to for the built in. but thank you very much (maybe i'll write a how to about gforce and whitecap)
the kid who lived accross the hall from me freshman year had his first experiance with umm... illegal drugs... and walked into my room while i happend to have the visualizer on. He sat there for literally about 2 hours, watching it, and randomly ducking and dodging whenever it looked like stuff was flying at him. He then left and gave a rather long lecture on how to make the perfect broom. It was somewhat humorous. Oh well, moving on...

You can also freeze the current color/waveform/background combination, so it doesn't randomize... kinda cool when you have a nice combo on. I prefer the "basic" color scheme, or the dark dark blue one. yay!